
Discretion is really needed ( my view on social media )

Hi everyone,
I hope you had a great day!
I know maybe most of you are bored with this topic but I really need to share my opinion. It is bugging me when I see some people can't use the social media (facebook, twitter whatever) wisely. 
I read in many articles and watched some news about cyber bullying and the effects of social media o and bla bla bla.
I know the social media has brought many benefits to our lives but it can turn into disasters if you don't use it as it should be.The worst result is when the cyber bullying can claim lives ( I know you have heard about it a lot)
However, you should understand that dim witted people will not consider the bad effects of social media misuse. Either they will trigger conflicts or hurt somebody Else's feeling. Nothing is good as the result.
Some people use the social media to share their freedom of speech but do you know that it can hurt somebody else's feeling? For instance, there was a girl who worked in a reputable company who criticized an event with racist remarks (people who live in SG and Malaysia know the case). As a result she was dismissed from her company. There are more examples about the matter.
In my opinion, you need to filter the thoughts you gonna share because cyber world is like a public area that can be seen by many individuals. You need to understand the values and rules of sharing your thoughts. If you don't want to get into troubles don't play with fire.If you don't want to be criticized don't criticize people.If you don't have good things to say don't say anything at all.  Especially, when you have worked in a company or you are searching for a job. Your cyber identities will determine you as a person. Don't forget that once you expose your thoughts in internet, it will be there forever. It is like scars you can't erase.
All in all, we need to be wise people when it comes to sharing our thoughts in public space. It is not a short term effect but it may ruin your lives.

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