
Oral Hygiene Is Very Important and You Don't Want to Miss it....

Just wanted to share my thoughts on random topic. Well, it is not a regular random thought but it is a reminder for me. I have been very a hygienic person ( a little bit obsessive ), I wash my hand after I touch some things that I think they are dirty. I take my shower thrice a day (especially when I exercise or I feel hot), I brush my teeth at least 3 times a day (I have changed my toothpaste to the one with enamel protection). I floss and use mouthwash along with it. I carry a hand sanitizer bottle in my purse. In short, I will do whatever it takes to make myself bacteria-free. However, I was still clueless about the importance of oral hygiene to my overall health. 

One day, I was watching a news and there was a feature talking about oral hygienic and its relation to throat cancer. It stated that some research proves that people with poor oral hygiene are likely to suffer from a throat cancer. Well, It makes sense because your mouth is a place where you can find bacteria around. The remains of food consumed and residue from your cigarettes ( if you smoke) inside your mouth bring some bacteria and other harmful chemical in contact to your body. Therefore, some other things might tag along when you don't brush your teeth regularly. Most people think that brushing their teeth alone is enough but it's not enough. Your brush cannot reach the hidden place in your mouth and it cannot reach the gaps between two teeth. You need to floss and use mouthwash every day. The remains of your food can lead to bad breath, teeth decay, gums infections, tartar and even cancer. The gums infections can make your teeth loose. Oh my, I couldn't imagine if I was a toothless woman. Oh, before I forget, you need to choose no alcohol mouthwash. Products with alcohol might give you an instant freshness but it will dry your mouth and it makes you have a bad breath and worsen the problem if you already have the bad breath problem.
My favorite products are Colgate Slim Soft Charcoal toothbrush,Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, Oral B Complete Satinfloss and  Freshmint Colgate Plax Mouthwash.

Anyway, don't be lazy to floss and brush your teeth on daily basis. Cheers!


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